
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Birthday Card and Some Layouts to Share!

This week Kimmy posted a card sketch over at Let's Scrap.  I made a birthday card for my sweet Grams, who I share a birthday with.  In September, she'll turn 90 on my 40th birthday!  These are some big birthdays to celebrate!!  She'll be coming from WA to visit and I can't wait to see her!    Here is the card I made for her:

I really like how it turned out and think I'll have to go make another one for Valentine's day!!

I also have a few layouts to share since I've been a little slack on my Summertime postings!!  (Click on the image if you'd like to see a larger version.)  Here we go:

I finally scrapped the photos from Evan's First Communion.  It was fun to use a large photo on the page and I was able to use a little card he received as an embellie!

This layout is from a trip to Chattanooga.  We just love going there and it's only about an hour away from us.  This is Evan at the butterfly part of the aquarium.  I feel like this layout needs a little extra something.... might be adding a little more brown to it......  :)   Funny how that happens after I see it on the computer screen!

This layout is from a trip to Kennesaw Mountain Park last Labor Day.  Sorry about the color - I did these layouts at two different times and must have taken the pictures at two different times of the day - they do match in person - lol!  I have to add that the green paper is made out of elephant dung!!!  Can you believe?!  I was at Scrapbook Expo years ago and bought it there - finally used it.  I guess I should save the rest for my elephant pictures from Animal Kingdom.  hee hee.

This last layout is from Evan's 10th birthday party last year.  His birthday is on Halloween and it just happened to fall on a Saturday.  He wanted to go trick-or-treating with his friends and have a sleepover with some spooky games.  The pictures of the boys blindfolded are when I read the story of Mr. Hal O. Weens.  We passed around Mr. Weens "body parts."  The boys had a blast!  I had the lights turned out, but luckily my awesome camera caught some great shots!!  :)  I loved this sketch and will definitely be using it again!

All of the layouts I posted were from Cheri's sketches over at Let's Scrap.  She has all of her sketches posted to print so make sure and check them out.  I'll be going on my girls' scrap weekend soon and will be bringing lots of sketches for inspiration!!

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Disney Memories

Wow, this Summer is flying by way too quickly!  In two weeks my boys will be back in school in 3rd and 5th grade..... how is that possible?!  We've had a wonderful Summer and really enjoyed our spur-of-the-moment trip to Disney World.  Here are a couple of my favorite photos from our trip:

I've got quite a few layouts to share and I'll try and get those up later today!
Happy Scrapping!