
Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Countdown to Cancer Free

Two weeks from today I will be having surgery for colorectal cancer. I have been a roller coaster of emotions lately and not sleeping well (maybe that's partly due to the radiation induced menopause?! Lucky me!). If I let these emotions get the best of me, I feel nervous, a little angry, scared, and dreading what's to come. But then I'm reminded not to let those worries creep inside of my head. I try not to count down the remainder of my "rest days" because it just makes me more anxious. So I keep telling myself that with that countdown I'm just one day closer to being cancer-free!!

I continue to witness God shining brightly through this storm by the kindness, prayers and strengthened faith in myself, my family and in others. I wanted to share this from a devotional that a sweet someone sent to me:

God is in every tomorrow,
Therefore I live for today,
Certain of finding a sunrise,
Guidance and strength for my way;
Power for each moment of weakness,
Hope for each moment of pain,
Comfort for every sorrow,
Sunshine and joy after rain.

Ahhhh, don't you love it? Oh how those words resonated with me today. I hope they touch someone else as well.

Have a happy day!!

Signature - Tree

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My One Little Word for 2017

Happy New Year! Bring on 2017! As I reflect on 2016 all I can think is - wow, what a roller coaster ride! Lots of good things happened - we bought a house, our family went on a cruise, I'm loving my health and wellness business, I enjoyed a beach trip, a girls weekend to the lake and a trip to the Plexus convention in Las Vegas with my amazing team. But there were also lots of bumps in the road. My sweet grandma who is "my person" passed in May at 95 years old. My husband's dad and grandma passed. And then I was diagnosed with cancer. But even through the storms these last several months, I've been able to see so many blessings. I've probably cried as many happy tears as I have sad tears. So regardless of the lows of 2016, I'm grateful and I'm blessed. And I cannot wait to make the best of 2017!

New Year's Day is when I usually decide on my "one little word" for the upcoming year. The idea is to focus on one word throughout the year instead of setting a bunch of New Year's resolutions. My previous words were simplify, faith, balance and grow. The word I've chose for 2017 is BELIEVE.

*I believe in God's plan for me and my family.
*I believe I'll be cancer free in 2017.
*I believe in my faith.
*I believe in our family.
*I believe in myself and my strengths.
*I believe in others.
*I believe in true love.
*I believe in my business, the products and my team.
*I believe in God's healing hand.
*I believe I can inspire others.
*I believe I can become the person God intended. 
*I believe in miracles.
*I believe this year will be filled with health, happiness, and joy.

Spend some time thinking about your "one little word" and see how powerful this can be throughout the year.

Blessings for a happy and healthy New Year filled with laughter!

Signature - Tree