
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Comments Make Me Happy! :)

Wow!  It's been so nice to come home and find such sweet comments on my blog!  Thanks to everyone for stopping by and sharing the love!!

So, today we had some snow!!  Now, in Georgia we consider it a blizzard, but to most people it's just a little dusting of snow!  Either way, it's enough to get the kids totally excited!  We came home after school and had just enough on our back deck for the boys to make a "real snowball."  It was pretty exciting!  And what's even better, is that school is closed tomorrow because the roads are too icy for travel.  The boys and I have already called it a pj day!  Woo hoo! 

Here's a layout I did based on a sketch over at PageMaps.  Their website is great and I just love their book!!  This page is of my oldest son playing baseball - about 4 years ago!!!   

It's no secret that I love sketches to get my creativity going.  What are some of your favorite scrapbook inspirations?



  1. Nothing better than a "Snow Day".

  2. Well, for starters, Welcome to blogging! :)
    Here in Kentucky we are pretty much snowed in too! It's beautiful! So I have had about three 'PJ' days! LOL
    I love all your layouts you have posted! They are all awesome!
    If you like sketch challenges join us at Unscripted Sketches, and also Scrap and Stamp Saturday is really fun! :)
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
    Have a great weekend!

    Hollie@ Momiji's Madness

  3. Funny, Cori to hear you talking about your blizzard!! I live in WI, so it is nothing for us!! Love the snow days.. tho we don't have very many - ever! It has to be pretty darn cold before they shut school down. I hope you enjoyed your snow days!!! Would love to visit Georgia someday! Looks beautiful!
