
Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Sketch Challenges

Another 3-day weekend and I'm getting to spend lots of time creating!!  Yay!!  I played chauffer to the boys between their KIDS Club day at Georgia Tech, baseball practice and play dates (do they still call it that at their ages?) but, I was able to spend my evenings scrapbooking.  I had a few friends come over last night and we were up until the wee morning hours laughing, snacking and scrapping!  Here are a few of my creations from last night:

This is a layout I did based on Sketch #86 over at Creative Scrappers.  I just love how it turned out.  This is the first layout I've done for this great sketch site.  This layout is of my son and my nephew, who totally looks up to his big cousin.  So sweet!  

I also worked on some camping pictures and used an older sketch from Let's Scrap.  I love all of the double page layouts over there!  I used a kit from The Paper Studio that I found at one of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby.  I could get lost for hours in the scrapbooking isle there - even though my kids cringe when I even mention the "H word."  (Hobby Lobby)      :)

Well, I promised the boys we'd get caught up on American Idol tonight.  Then, hoping to get some more scrapping done after they fall asleep!!  Trying to make the most of my 3-day weekend!!!  

Happy Scrapping!


  1. Hey Cori! Thank you SO much for your sweet comment on my blog! You've got a really cute your pages.

  2. That was a really cute baseball layout, so sweet.
