
Friday, January 1, 2010

To blog or not to blog?

That is the question I have been asking myself lately.  Do I have time to blog?  Not really.  Is my life exciting enough for a blog?  Probably not.  Will my friends think I'm crazy?  More than likely.  Are there people who will actually follow my blog?  We'll see....

And so it begins.  A new year and a new venture.  I lead a busy life but I have so much that I want to share!  My boys are growing before my eyes and I'd love a way for my out-of-town friends and family to share in some of our everyday joys.  I love to be crafty and want an outlet to share my little creations.  I love photography and have tons of photos to share.  I love being a mom, a wife, and a friend and hope some of you will join me along this journey!

Now, let the fun begin with a few scrappy things.
I am sad that one of my favorite websites and scrap-inspirations, 52 sketches, 52 weeks will not be continuing this year.  However, I have found a few new sites to keep me going!  I really like to use sketches to help get the creative juices flowing.  One of the sites I recently joined is Sketch Inspiration.  Here is a layout I did based on the most recent sketch:

I'm also hoping to get into card-making this year.  One of the card sketch sites I found was Mojo Monday.  Here is a card I did based on their most recent sketch. 
Thanks for looking at my first blog entry!

Here's to a wonderful, peaceful and happy New Year! 


  1. Great first blog entry!! Can't wait to read more!!

  2. Looks Great!
    Looking forward to following you.
