
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Break Scrapping

Spring Break is here and I wish I could slow this week down!  I love having the week off and being home with my boys.  (Even though I'm slowly accepting the fact that they'd rather be with their friends than their mom....)  It is so nice not to wake up to an alarm clock, to hear the birds chirping every morning, to feel the sunshine on my skin, and hear the laughter of my boys!  I am so ready to be a stay-at-home mom again!!

I've done a lot of spring cleaning the last two days and it is so nice to have a clean home!  I always feel happier when my house is clean and de-cluttered.  I did squeeze in some scrapping time yesterday and plan on doing much more of that as the week goes on!

Here's a 2-page layout I did based on another sketch over at Let's Scrap.  I loved using this sketch for so many reasons - it was quick to complete, I only used about 4 sheets of paper (with some striped paper and cardstock leftover for cards), and I was able to get a lot of photos on my page.  I also tried a new (to me) technique where I brushed white paint around the edges of some of the photos and cardstock.

Supplies Used:
Cardstock:  DCWV, Breezy Designs
Patterned Paper:  TLC
Title & Embellishments:  K & Company
Brads:  The Paper Studio
Paint:  Delta
Ribbon:  Michael's and Breezy Designs

Finally, here's a picture of my sweet Marley Mae.  (Why do I always give my dogs middle names?!)  It's been so nice and sunny this week they're spending lots of time outside!

Happy Scrapping!


  1. I like that paint technique. That always gives a little extra to the LO! Great LO!
    And your doggie is a cutie...........

  2. Nice layout. I like that paint technique, haven't seen that process used before. Looks nice.
