
Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Little Family Stuff & the Let's Scrap Weekly Sketch

Wow, things have been so busy I've gotten behind on my posting!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful Mother's Day!  My boys (hubby included) told me I could scrapbook all day and they'd take care of the house and cleaning. How great is that?!  I haven't done any scrapping yet but hope to very soon!

Yesterday was a busy day.  My son had his 1st Communion.  I am so proud of my sweet boy and he looked so handsome.  It seems like just yesterday he was getting baptized.  Time really goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast.  I realized this yesterday as my son was up on the alter at church. I was completely overwhelmed by my love for my boys and how very blessed I am to have them.  Here's my sweet little Carter Boo in his suit.  Is he handsome, or what?!

We had our family come back to my house after church to celebrate his 1st Communion and Mother's Day.  Things didn't go as smoothly as I had planned when Carter fell on the front porch steps and cut his knee.  So.... he had his 1st Communion and his 1st stitches all in one day.  Sounds like a scrapbook title doesn't it..... hee hee.  He was a trouper though and we still celebrated - it was just after our trip to urgent care!

I've been busy scrapping between the Let's Scrap Blog Hop going on and the new sketches and challenges.  Be sure to come check it all out and join in on the fun!!

Here's the layout I did for Cheri's sketch from last week.  This is actually the sketch we used to submit for the Let's Scrap Design Team Call.  This is a photo of my boys with my mom.  I just loved being able to use some soft colors on this layout. 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock (cream): Close to My Heart
Patterned Paper: My Mind's Eye (Where the Heart is Stack)
Floss: DMC
Brads: CTMH
Ink: ColorBox Chalk and CTMH
Stamps: CTMH (notice the details)
Chipboard: Breezy Design
Die Cuts: Cricut
Journaling Pen: Pigma
Sitching Template: Bazzill  (LOVE these!)
Jouraling Die Cut: Quickutz
Other: button

You have until midnight on Tuesday to complete this layout.  Hope you can play along and get your layout loaded over at Let's Scrap!
Off to enjoy some scrapping time!  Thanks for stopping by!!


  1. Hey, I'm scrapping the day away too!! Sorry about your son's accident but happy that you were still all able to celebrate! Loving that idea for a scrapping title!! Great LO here! I have to go and check out that sketch! :)

  2. Bless his little heart! A big day for a precious guy, both good and bad!
    Happy Mother's Day back at ya!!!!

  3. Poor little guy! I did the same thing for my communion. I fell on the sidewalk walking home from church. Tore up my knees really bad. Love your layout!

  4. Happy wishes for the 1st Communion of your guy!!
    I've spent my mother day making a scrap class to a group of Scrap Mammies!!
