
Friday, September 24, 2010

Birthday Celebration!

I feel like I've been celebrating my 40th birthday for over a week now!  This was a big year so my Grandma flew in town from Washington to celebrate our shared birthdays.  I turned 40 and my Grandma turned 90!  In a previous post, I showed the birthday card I made for her.  Well, here she is enjoying it!!  :)

Isn't she the cutest?  We've spent a lot of time together and it means so much to me that my boys know and love their great grandma!  Here are a few more pictures from our visit:

Three generations together - I just love it!  :)

I'll leave with a little creation I made for our entry table.  I found this little shadowbox frame at Michael's and "scrapped" a little page to go in it.  I thought it would be fun to change it out with the seasons.  My hubby and I just celebrated our 15 year wedding anniversary so that's what sparked this page.

I already have my "Boo" page ready to go in there next month!  I'll post that later!

Well, that's it for now!  Happy Creating!


  1. Cori, what special memories. Your pics are gorgeous.

  2. Belated Happy Birthday. Loved seeing the pictures of your Grandma with you and the kids. She sure doesn't look like she is 90.
