
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boys, Dogs, and Baseball, Oh My!

Uh yeah..... where did the Summer go?  There has been lots going on since the last time I posted.  The boys are back in school.... but guess what?  I'm not!  Woo hoo!  I am officially a SAHM again!  So excited to be here taking care of our home, and most importantly, devoting my time and energy to my family!  It was bittersweet turning in my notice at the boys' school but I know it was the right decision and I'm where I need to be!  :)

The boys' sports are in full swing right now.  We have spent many hours at the football field and baseball field.  I'm taking lots of photos - of course!  I did get a chance to sneak away for a girls' weekend last month.  I went to the Scrapbook Cabin with 10 of my girlfriends.  I love, love, love that place!  We always have a great time - lots of laughter and a little bit of scrapping!  I've also been training for the 3-Day walk.  It will be here before we know it!  Thank goodness I have some training buddies in my neighborhood because those 12-15 mile walks would get really boring without them!!

I'm happy to be continuing on as a Contributing Design Team Member over at Let's Scrap.  This past month I've been "lurking in the shadows" though as I've been so busy.  I really miss it and am anxious to get back to scrapping with Cheri's awesome sketches!  The new Design Team rocks so make sure and check out the gallery for lots of inspiration!!

Finally, I wanted to share a few of my recent layouts:

This is a layout of the boys trying out their new inline skates that Santa brought them last Christmas.  The paper, gears and little cardstock stickers are from a kit I purchased over at Simply Obsessed.  Fun, fun!

I just love how this layout came together!  This is a picture of our sweet girl Marley - AKA, the sock snatcher.  If we leave any socks on the floor, Marley will find them!  You'd think this would keep the boys from leaving their socks lying around, but it doesn't seem to work that way!!  The supplies for this layout are mostly from a Paper Studio kit I found at Hobby Lobby.  Love that store!

Here is a two-page layout I did based on a sketch over at Let's Scrap.  I love these pictures of my son playing his first season in kid-pitch.  I never think to enlarge photos so I love when I see sketches that make me do it!

That's all for now!  Hope everyone is having a great week!
Happy Scrapping!


  1. Especially love the "Lets Roll" layout!

  2. Wow you sure have been busy, I love all your layouts.

  3. Love all the boyish LO's. Great job and I am glad you stayed as a DT member.
