
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fall Frenzy

Whoa, I feel like this last week has been a whirlwind!  I've been running around like a crazy woman between the boys' sports, getting my Stampin' Up venture off the ground, training for the 3-Day walk, and squeezing in a little housework here and there!

My Grams had to fly back to WA last week, which always makes me so sad.  She had a long visit here which was wonderful.  I have to post one more picture of her - even though she can figure out why in the world I would do that - lol!

I just love this picture of Grams and Carter.  Gigi (as the boys call her) is known for making rice krispie treats and brownies when she comes to visit.  Here's Grams getting Carter some brownies - and the sweet little look on Carter's face, is soooo Carter.  :)  I need to print these pictures from her visit ASAP so I can scrap them!  Such special memories!

I've also been consumed with the boys' sports.  Evan is playing football again which means practice 3 nights a week and games on Saturdays.  He loves it though and his team is doing really well.  My mother-in-law came to watch him play Saturday and I snapped this cute picture of them after the game!

I'm very excited about the positive response I've received about my new SU venture!  Check out the links to my upcoming events.  If you live in the area, I'd love to have you come create with me!  I also have the online ordering set up - so you can shop 24/7 with me!  Woo hoo!

I haven't had a whole lot of time to create this week - but did get to spend Saturday with some friends at a Stampin' Up! event hosted by my upline Mandy, called Gifts Galore.  We made some fabulous items that I can't wait to share with you!  In the meantime, I'm anxiously awaiting my big SU order!!!  :)

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