
Sunday, December 12, 2010

What a Mess!!

Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow - and maybe the day after that?!  Cleaning my scrap room!!  I've been crazy busy between holiday happenings, the boys' social lives and extracurricular activities, working on our basement, and my Stampin' Up business!  Over the last two weeks, I've had 8 events to work!  It's been a whirlwind -- but so much fun!!  I must say, I'll take this job over any that I've had!!  {wink, wink}

So.... many of you have seen the pictures of my "studio" in an older post, and have asked if it is always that clean.


Well, I decided to take a picture of my mess to show you that it is not!  This is what my desk looks like after two weeks of creating with no cleaning up in between!


I am definitely ready for it to be nice and organized again.... (sigh)

Well, that's all I have for tonight!  I do have some projects to post this week so check back!!  Remember to sign up to become a "follower" so you'll be notified when there's a new post!  Also, if you'd like to be on my mailing list, sign up to receive my monthly newsletter.  There are lots of fun classes coming up in January, as well as the Let's Scrap Blog Hop!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who can make a mess of my scraproom. It seems no matter how much I tidy it up It never stays tidy very long.

  2. Hey Cori,
    I am in love with your stamping space!!! It's beautiful.
