
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Football Scrapbook Layout

Happy Saturday!  I've been having so much fun playing with My Digital Studio!  Here's what I made last night:

This year was the first time my 9 yo played football.  He loved it!  I always take sooo many sports pictures that it's hard to scrap them all.  I think My Digital Studio is the answer to my problem!  Now, I just need to decide if I want to print as individual pages or do separate photo books for the boys' sports... Decisions, decisions.....

I used one of the FREE downloads to do the above layouts.  It was super easy - I just used the template and changed my text and title.  This download is called Neutral Delightful Digital Tape.

CLICK HERE to see the images that come with the Neutral Delightful Digital Tape download.

CLICK HERE to get the FREE downloads.  (You only have until Nov. 7th to get it for FREE!)

Thanks for visiting!  Enjoy your weekend!


Signature - Tree

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