
Thursday, December 20, 2012

#1 Fan Scrapbook Layout & New Downloads!

Hi!  The boys are out of school for Christmas break!! Yay - that means no alarm clarks and more time together!  This makes me happy!  While they're sleeping in this morning, I thought I'd share a super quick layout I did in MDS.  (My Digital Studio)

Isn't this cute?  I used the Game Day Photobook Template so it took me about 15 minutes.  All I did was insert my photo, text and added the Flag and Football stamps.  So easy!  I matched the red color in one of the boys jerseys - love that feature!

Make sure and check out My Digital Studio here.  If you haven't tried it, you can download a 30-day free trial - but be prepared to get hooked on MDS!  It's so fun and so easy - and such a great way to make a dent in those hundreds of photos stuck in your computer!!

Have you seen the new downloads that were released on Tuesday!!  (Click on the title below to view in my online store).

I'm looking forward to sharing My Digital Studio with my local friends and customers in January!  Join me for a free MDS class where we'll create a scrapbook page together.  

Don't forget to check out the Clearance Rack Blitz.  Lots of awesome deals - including stamps!!  You can shop My Online Store 24/7 and have your goodies shipped straight to your door!   :)

Thanks for visiting and happy creating!


Signature - Tree

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