
Friday, January 11, 2013

My One Little Word for 2013

Happy Friday!

I found time last night to play along with a challenge over at SCS.  The challenge was to scrapbook a page with one word as your inspiration.  This challenge is based on Ali Edwards' approach to the New Year - choosing one word to focus on, instead of several unkept resolutions.  Last year my word was "simplify."  This year my word is "balance". (Do you see the pattern?)  Obviously, I have too much going on if I need to simplify and balance my life!  lol.  Hoping this will be my year!

Software - My Digital Studio

This was definitely a challenge for me.  The designing came easily.... but it was sharing my thoughts (and photo of myself) that put me out of my comfort zone.  In the end however, it was almost therapeutic.  It felt good to get some thoughts on 'paper' and think about some of the things I want out of the new year.

What is your word for 2013?


Signature - Tree


  1. Beautiful Sentiment, Beautiful Woman.

    1. Awe, thank you. You've always been my biggest fan. :)

  2. Balance....that is a good one!! I might have yo steal it!! Actually mine is intentionally joyful!! I know it is two words but ivthjnk both are needed!!

    I saw you post on db about the monthly kit frlm Stamping did I miss that?? I even went on the website and couldn't fond anything about please :-)!!
