
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

MDS Blog Hop!!

Eeeeek!  I was so excited when I was asked to be a Guest Blogger on the MDS Blog Hop!  My first reaction was -- I'm not worthy!!  What am I going to create?!  But, then my love of MDS and these amazing women {whose blogs I frequently stalk} took over and all was well.  lol!

When I found out that today's MDS Blog Hop theme was Valentine's/Love, I searched and searched through my photos.  I realized that I don't take many pictures on Valentine's Day.  So, tomorrow, it's ON!  My poor guys aren't going to be able to escape the mamarazzi this Valentine's Day!  (hee hee)

Stampin' Up! has so many fun, lovey-dovey downloads!  I used a mix of several downloads to create my layout:

For this page, I scrapbooked a photo of my sweet hubby.  I'll never forget our first Valentine's Day together.  I was in college at the University of Georgia and we had only been dating for about a month.  He drove 1 1/2 hours so he could cook dinner for me.  I walked in the kitchen and saw him pull a piece of notebook paper out of his back pocket - where his mom had written down the directions for him!!  I just thought it was the cutest thing ever.  :)  Neither one of us are good cooks to this day -- thank goodness for moms!  lol!

Here is a complete list of the downloads used for this layout:  My Valentine Supply List

What I was really excited about was the "xoxoxo" outline for the heart.  I used the freeform and "text on a path" features in MDS to create this effect.  I love how it turned out!  The video below shows how to create the heart shaped text:

I can't wait to see what the other ladies created for the Blog Hop!!  Make sure and follow along to their fabulous blogs by clicking the sneak peeks below!

Thanks for visiting!!  Have a wonderfully creative day! :)


Signature - Tree


  1. Oh, I wondered if the heart was a stamp or if you created it - very cool! Such a great page Cori! We're thrilled to have you as a guest blogger - and trust me, you're worthy! Love your designs!

  2. Now it works! You so deserve to be in the MDS blog hop! You have talent oozing out all over!

  3. Very worthy my dear... Very. Awesome page girlie.

  4. Awesome video Cori...and page!! And I told you you were worthy!! :)

  5. Your project is beautiful, but I am scared of MDS2 (I have it) so felt your video tutorial was a gift from the sky! I was sooo excited to sit back and try to learn something... THANK YOU!!!! Sweet, wonderful presentation too; thanks so much Cori! Warmly, Donna (SC)
