
Friday, July 5, 2013

Eat. Sleep. Play Ball.

Hi there!  It looks like it's been awhile since I've posted a scrapbook layout.  I have several pages I've created in MDS that I haven't posted.  Here's one of my favorites:

Baseball season just ended... and I think we're having withdrawals over here.  My 11 yo eats, sleeps and breathes baseball.  He's already asking how long until it starts up again!!  And we just returned from his World Series in Gulf Shores, AL.  Beach and baseball... it doesn't get much better than that!!

I created the layout above based on a sketch by Kimberly and Heather over at their Simply My Digital Studio Challenge Facebook Page.  It's lots of fun - check it out!

So... I'm a little behind the times and just realized that Google Reader retired on July 1st. I was researching some other blog readers out there and decided to switch over to Bloglovin'.  It was so easy to import all of the blogs that I stalk follow.  Plus, there's a great app for my ipad/iphone.  Once the kids go back to school, I love to browse my favorite blogs while I'm sitting in carline.  So, this will be perfect!!  You should check it out - and while you're at it, follow my blog too!  :)

Also, have you checked out the recent MDS downloads lately?  It's not just for scrapbooking....  Look at this fun Tags For All Designer Template download:

Make sure and check out the new downloads released each Tuesday in my Online Store here.

Thanks for stopping by!


Signature - Tree

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