
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

MDS Blog Hop - Ready for Thanksgiving!!

Hi there!  It is time for the MDS Blog Hop with a few new changes!!  First of all, a big welcome to Elizabeth Rush!!  She has joined our group of 10 digital designers and we're so happy to have her join us!  Secondly, our format has changed a bit to make it easier for everyone - we hope you enjoy it!  And lastly, notice our new MDS Blog Hop buttons?!  Thanks to Jeanna Bohannon for creating these little gems!

I am still on cloud 9 for being asked to join this group of ladies!  We all have a passion for My Digital Studio and love to share it with you!  You will find us blog hopping on the 2nd and 4th THURSDAYS of each month!  We will have a "theme" selected on the first hop and then a "What we are doing in MDS" on the second hop.  Also new, is the hopping method.  Just click on the NEXT button and it will take you to the next person on the hop.  We hope this inspires you to get creative with My Digital Studio!!

The theme for today's hop is "Ready for the Holidays".  We each chose a holiday to focus on - mine is Thanksgiving.  This is a holiday that always seems to slip by me.  I was excited to spend some time creating a few holiday items that have been on my "to do" list.

First up is a framable to create a dry erase frame.  I've been wanting to have a "thankful board" for my family for awhile now and just haven't made one yet.  I used our fun Sweater Weather Download to create this:

In November, I want each member of our family to take turns each day writing what we're thankful for with a dry erase marker.  :)

I made a second project as well.  My boys are a little old for "lunchbox notes".... but I thought it would be cute to make little thankful notes for them.  I will stick them on their bathroom mirror or in their books.  Maybe it will bring a smile to their faces and let them know how thankful I am to be their mom.   All I have to do is print these out and cut! :)

These were fun to make.  I used paper from the Sweater Weather Download (again).  :P  
Make sure and follow along on our MDS Blog Hop!  Next up is our new designer, Beth Rush!  I can't wait to see what she created!  Simply click the button below to hop on over to her blog!

Thanks for visiting! :)

Signature - Tree


  1. LOVE this. Totally stealing this idea!

  2. Both of your projects are such fun ideas! I'm going to have copy them both. Even my 11 year old needs a little love note now and then :)

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE - I think I need to make them too
