
Sunday, December 15, 2013

SCIC #73 Sketch Challenge

Happy Sunday!  There's a new sketch over at Stampin' Celebration today.  I haven't had a lot of time to stamp lately ('tis the season), but I can always count on My Digital Studio to help me create something cute quick!  Both of my boys have had another great semester at school.  They've both received all A's again and my 8th grader gets to exempt all 6 of his finals because of his grades.  :)  This makes a mama very proud.  I think I've come to expect it though, and don't always give them the recognition that they deserve.  :(  I wanted to create a card for them along with a little surprise and knew I could make something "cool" and boyish with MDS.  Here's what I came up with:

Here is the sketch from Stampin' Celebration that I used for my inspiration:

Products Used:
Software:  My Digital Studio
Downloads:  Old School, Naturals Designer Buttons, It's All me

One of my newer downloads that I used for this card is Old School.  OMGoodness (as my 12 yo says).  This is a really great kit!!  Lots of great paper, embellies and stamps. Check it out HERE!

Make sure and check out the Stampin' Celebration blog and see what the other Designers have created with this sketch.  We'd love for you to play along with us!!

Have you checked out my online store lately?  There are lots of NEW ARRIVALS that you won't want to miss!  New stamp sets, Valentine's Kits, Best of December, etc., etc.!!

Also, don't forget to check out all of the new items added to the Clearance Rack HERE in my online store!!  There are 10 pages of fun products at a huge discount!  Only available while supplies last!!

Thanks for visiting and have a great day!


Signature - Tree

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! Saw your card on SCIC, so I came over to look at it better... your post made me smile. And YOUR CARD IS SOOO COOL! Seriously love it!
    Stamp prices are going up more than 20 cents in Canada, so I think I'll start making ecards for my nieces and nephews... lots of 'boy stuff' for me to 'practice' with in MDS!
