
Thursday, February 13, 2014


Happy Thursday!  Valentine's Day is right around the corner and today's MDS Hop is all about LOVE!  Here is the layout I'd LOVE to share with you:

I LOVE this photo of my son and "his girl".  The LOVE between a boy and his dog is a beautiful thing. ;) This photo was from round one of our Georgia snow jam two weeks ago!  We are currently in round two - snow falling as we speak!  I'm sure I'll have more photos to scrap after tomorrow!  My boys are anxiously awaiting some more time on the neighborhood "slopes" (aka-golf course).  We don't get snow very often in Georiga, so when we do, the boys LOVE it!

Downloads Used:
This and That Retro Fresh (frame), Watercolored Winter, Finest Simplicity, Happy Life, Beautiful Today, Love This, Downtown Grunge 

This layout came together really quickly using this Page Maps sketch.  (LOVE when that happens!)

While you're here, let me list the top 5 things I LOVE about MDS:
  1. I can create anytime, anywhere.  At home, in my car while my son is in guitar lessons, on the bleachers while my other son is at baseball practice, in the car during a long drive (passenger seat of course)….  etc., etc.!
  2. If I make a mistake or don't like how something turns out, I can correct it with a click of a button.  I don't have to tear the paper off my page or cover up my misspelled journaling…  :P
  3. I can resize my photos with ease.  I really LOVE this feature!  I can add a bunch of small photos to my layout or one really big one!  So simple!
  4. Creating photo gifts is a breeze!  I love giving calendars or photobooks for gifts. With MDS, it is so easy to create a photobook or calendar and then quickly create a duplicate one for another family member.  I can go in and change just a few pages or photos to create another custom gift for someone.  This saves so much time while still creating a special, unique gift!
  5. Download Tuesday!  Yep, new downloads are released every Tuesday!  I never get bored of the same 'ol stuff… as I can purchase new downloads every week to keep my projects fresh and fun!  LOVE that!!
So… I know you're going to LOVE what the other designers have created this week! Next up along the way is Beth.  Make sure and click the button below to follow along!

We hope you find some things you LOVE about MDS as you hop along with us! 

Thanks for visiting and have a LOVEly day!! 


Signature - Tree


  1. Oh, I love the picture, the journaling and everything else about this layout. This is what scrapbooking is all about.

  2. Love this page and love the list! I agree with them all!

  3. So, so cute! This is a really great page Cori! Gonna have to use that sketch myself :)

  4. Great page Cori. love that sketch and that photo! glad your having fun in the snow! I've been seeing it on the news. Our schools have been closed 4 days this winter, fun for the kids, not so much for me :) yea for MDS when you need something to do!
