
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Being A Mom is Tough

Hi there,

My blog has always been my creative outlet - where I share my crafty side, my creations and memories through scrapbooking.  But today, I'm joining in a blog hop with an online Bible study I'm doing.  We are currently reading "Am I Messing Up My Kids" by Lysa TerKeurst through the Proverbs 31 Ministries.  (And just a little warning… a writer I'm not… lol)

Being a mom is the most important, most challenging and most rewarding job I've ever had.  My boys are 12 and 14 and there are days I'm in awe of the men they're becoming and then there are days I wonder what planet they're from!  Either way, I often wonder if I'm being the parent God intended for me to be.

I realize that no matter what age your kids are, parenting is tough.  I remember when I was first pregnant, I was so worried if I'd be a good mom.  Would it come naturally? Would I know what to do?  Then, I remember the first few weeks of being a mom.  My son had colic - I mean bad, screaming, crying colic for hours every evening.  My husband and I would take turns passing him back and forth trying to comfort him without losing our own patience.  This was not what I envisioned!!  Many nights I felt so helpless and was so relieved once we made it through that stage.  Yep, being a mom of a newborn was tough.

Then, he got a little bit older and I fell into my routine of being a mom.  But I still remember some of those helpless feelings…. Once, I was cutting his tiny nails - I missed, and cut his little finger.  He cried and cried and I did too!  From that day on, my husband has always cut both of our boys' nails! Then there were the times we went to the pediatrician and they were due for immunizations.  I remember that helpless feeling as they looked at me crying wondering why I was letting this man hurt them.  Torture for any mom!

As they got to the toddler years, I remember worrying if I was doing the right thing… Music classes, play groups, reading, eating the right foods…. Were they going to get sick from that nugget they ate off of the car floor that had been there for who knows how long…?  (Please, tell me I'm not the only one that had that happen?!)  There is so much to worry think about!  They attended preschool and they didn't always love it.  I remember many days that they were pulled out of the mini van crying as I drove away feeling helpless.

And now we've made it to the teen/tween years.  Am I too strict or too lenient with discipline?  Do they have good, solid friendships?  Are they good friends to others?  Are they becoming well rounded young men?  Do they know they can come to me with anything?  Am I too protective?  Do we spend enough time together as a family?  Are they learning to serve others?  Where are they on their faith walk?  And now as my oldest will be in high school soon, does he have the right classes and extracurriculars to get into the college of his choice?

Seriously, it's enough to make this mama feel like a crazy person!  The good news is, I think most of us feel this way at some point and that comforts me just a little!  But, the even better news is that God is on my side.  He's got my back even when I feel like I'm not being the best mom I can be.  And I often have to remind myself to turn those worries over to God and my wish for my kids into prayer.

The Bible verse this week in our study is Psalm 23:3.  It's such a good one for us imperfect moms that sometimes feel helpless or overcome with worry.  And it's such a great one to share with your kids too!

Ok, this is longer than I intended but I have to end with this quick story…  Sunday night my 12 yo finished his summer reading book on our Kindle.  He showed it to me and asked (with a very concerned look on his face) what this book was:

I told him it was the book for my Bible study.  He was so relieved and said - "Oh, THIS is your Bible study book?  I thought that you thought something was wrong with us.  And you were reading this book to try and figure it out."

Bless his little heart (as we say here in the South).  I explained that it was a book for my Bible study to help me be a better Christian mom.  Then, he told me that I already was the best mom ever.  Sweet boy - I guess I'm doing ok.  :P

Thanks for stopping by!  Click the button below to join or follow along with our Blog Hop!

Signature - Tree


  1. Hi Cori! found you from the blog hop. I love that your kids eat too old of chicken nuggets off the car floor :) I was just cleaning my car and my kids helped me by taking care of all the snacks :)

  2. Colic is such a living nightmare! Both of my kids had it and I didn't think I would survive, either time. You sound like a loving mother, Cori. That is the greatest thing you can give your kids, so you are doing fantastic :)! It is hard. I understand. You can absolutely be comforted by the fact that we are all thinking the same things, as you said. We all have many of the same fears and doubts, but at least we are in this together :).

  3. Aw, I love that story at the end Cori. So sweet! I can hear your mama heart through your words, wanting to live up to what your son said. Thanks for linking up and may God bless your journey through this study!
    Katrina Wylie (P31OBS Team Member)

  4. Not a writer, but sooo enjoyed reading your post. It was one that kept me intrigued as I'm a relatively new mum. 2 year old and a 2 week newborn...and your fears are my you are so right...many mums feel like we do. At the moment..Colic problems...last night was dreadful for me. :-( being a mum is a blessing though and even though
    I'm scared and tired I wiuldn't change it and whats more...God git us covered. Blessings!

  5. :) Such a sweet story!
    And I totally agree. None of these ages and phases have been actually easier! But I wouldn't want to imagine my life without them!
