
Thursday, December 4, 2014

MDS Blog Hop - Christmas Traditions

Wow, this week has flown by and it's already time for our MDS Blog Hop!  Today, we're sharing Christmas/Winter memories or traditions.  I always have tons of pictures from the holidays.  Sometimes, the random little pictures on my phone end up being my favorite!  I love scrapping them because they usually give a glimpse into our everyday life.  I took some of the pictures from last year and scrapped them Project Life style.

All of these crazy little photos mean something pretty special to our family -- and that's what scrapbooking is all about!!  :)

While I was going through my layouts in MDS, I found one I created last year.  I think it might have been for our hop - so you may have seen it before! I made it with a blank photo frame.  And, I realized that I never went back and added my photo!  So, I did that and am ready to have it printed.  Yay!  Here's the finished layout:

This layout uses the fun paper from the 12 Days of Christmas Swatchbook Template download which is on sale this week for $7.77!!  It's a great download -- you don't have to use it for a swatchbook!!

Well, it's time to hop on over to Beth's blog.  I'm excited to see what she'll be sharing with us!  Click the button below to find out!

Thanks for hopping along with us!!


Signature - Tree


  1. Cori, I was on Pinterest last night and did a random search for MDS layouts and when I saw your adorable Christmas page come up I happened to noticed that it's been pinned more than 120 times! Awesome sauce! I think my record is like, 5.

  2. Love your Christmas mix selection.....Wonder what this year will bring?
