
Monday, May 25, 2015

PLxSU Trio Challenge #10 - B&W Photo

Woot - double digits!  We are on week #10 of the PLxSU Trio Challenge!  I'm so enjoying getting caught up with Project Life pages!  This week, the challenge is to use a black and white photo(s) on your page.  I had a hard time finding photos to use in black & white for this challenge.  Maybe it's because I don't have babies, or girls, or fancy family photos…?  So, baseball it is!

I added a little pop of color - in our team colors, of course.

Products Used:
Happiness Is Project Life Digital Download
Essential Wooden Elements
Mini Flag Banner
Staples & Stitching

We'd love to see your Project Life pages using black and white photos.  You can upload them on our PLxSU Trio Challenge Facebook Page.  And don't forget to stop by Holly and Amber's blogs to see what they've created this week!

Have a wonderful day!!

Signature - Tree

1 comment:

  1. Totally balanced B&W photos with your color photo, with the digital accents are just perfect! Love this.
