
Monday, May 4, 2015

PLxSU Week # 7 Sketch Challenge

Wow, we had so many entries last week for our PLxSU Trio Challenge.  It was so fun to see everyone's selfies!  This week we're mixing it up with a sketch challenge for your Project Life page.  Are you ready?  Here it is:

And here is the page I created with this:

Products Used:
Playground Project Life Card Collection 
Playground Project Life Accessory Pack
Stampin' Rite Marker
Bermuda Bay Cardstock

I'm plugging away on our spring break photos.  This sketch was perfect to showcase these gorgeous photos. Take me baaaacckkkkk!!  :)

We hope you'll play along this week!  Post your pages on our PLxSU Trio Challenge Facebook Page.  There is always a lot of inspiration over there so come check it out!

And don't forget to pop on over to Holly and Amber's blogs to see how they used this sketch!

Have a super week!

Signature - Tree

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