
Monday, June 8, 2015

PLxSU Trio Challenge #12

You know how some pages just come together so easily?  That's what happened this week with my layout for the PLxSU Trio Challenge.  Challenge #12 is to use stripes on your Project Life layout.  I had big plans to emboss stripes, cut out strips for stripes, draw stripes... but once I started working on last week's photos, that didn't happen.  The new Moments Like These Card Collection had some great "stripy" cards that worked perfectly! Here's the 2-page layout side-by-side.

Left Side:

Right Side:

Products Used:
Cricut - Alphalicious Cartridge
Collect App & My Selphy :)

Can I just tell you how much I LOVE this new Project Life kit?!  There are sooo many awesome cards!!  The colors are great to go with any photos.  love. love. love.

Ok, funny story about the journaling pens.  They come two in a pack.  Did you know that they're different?!  One is fine point and one is not.  I had no clue.  I'm a fine point girl myself.  But of course I opened the other one first to use.  Months and month later, I pull out the other one and surprise - it's fine point and it's perfect!!  Obviously, I didn't read the product description when I ordered these!  lol!

Thanks for stopping by!  Make sure and visit our PLxSU Trio Challenge Facebook page where you can play along with our weekly challenges.  We love seeing your pages!!

I'm anxious to see what Holly and Amber do with this challenge!  Follow the links to their blogs to see!

Have a great week!

Signature - Tree


  1. Fun pages, Cori. The stripes really snap it up!

  2. I love all your pictures of everyday life! Your pages are always amazing!
