
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Happy Birthday - You Have Cancer

On August 29th, I had my first colonoscopy done. I was having some issues and with a family history of colon cancer, I figured I better get it checked out. My sweet mom took me to have my procedure done as my hubby was working out of town. I will never forget hearing those words as soon as I woke up after the procedure. "We found a mass." I will also never forget looking over at my mom and the seeing the look on her face. Deep down I had a feeling it was cancer. But I put on a brave face while we waited and waited for the results.

The photo above is one I sent to my mom, dad and high school pff's this morning along with the text: "Ready for whatever God brings my way." Waiting for the biopsy results from the colonoscopy was not easy. It was a long holiday weekend and that didn't help matters. My hubby stayed home today in case we got the results. Unfortunately, they were not what we had hoped. Together, we made the decision to share this news and our journey. So we are calling all of our prayer warriors. Yep, 10 days before my 46th birthday I'm told that I have colorectal cancer. We don't know what stage or anything else yet but asking for BIG prayers. Whatever these next tests show us, we are armed and ready. We have a mighty God who will fight for us, family and friends that love us, an amazing Plexus team that has my back, and the mindset to face the fight and beat this.

Let's do this!


  1. On October 28th this year, my 47th birthday, we received a call from my husband's physician. It was the news we were hoping not to hear. On that day, my birthday, we found out my husband has cancer. He has since had surgery and we have learned that his is an aggressive form of prostate cancer. We do serve a mighty God and He will most definitely see you and my husband through. Hugs and prayers to you!

  2. Yes He will Lori! Thank you - prayers for you and your hubby as well!

  3. Cori will add you and your family to my prayer list. God has a plan for each of us. I have been holding tight to his plan and hope for over 40 years of medical adventures. Hugs across the miles.

  4. Thank you Rosemarie. Yes He does. I've already seen so many blessings among the storm. It's amazing. xoxo
