
Thursday, October 13, 2016

A Little Update...

I've had some friends ask for updates and specific prayer requests. (Thank you) Eddie and I went to Ohio for an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic. We felt like we should get a second opinion before chemoradiation treatment is supposed to begin. With the help of some good friends, we were able to get in there quickly. We absolutely loved the surgeon. He specializes in the type of surgery I'll need, made us feel very comfortable and had the best bedside manners. He feels confident that he can do the surgery I need. They discussed my case at the tumor board and they weren't thrilled with the quality of the scans done at home to determine whether or not there was lymph node involvement. So I actually made a second trip up there with my mom to get another MRI done. (Which by the way, I'm not a fan of). I never really thought I was claustrophobic until I had my arms strapped to my sides, ear plugs in, and shoved in a teeny, tiny tube for 52 minutes....

So the day after I was told they found a mass, I began writing in this journal. Every day since, I've filled it with Bible verses and things I'm grateful for. I'm determined to find good in each day despite this storm I've found myself in. I know there will be rough days where reading through this will give me strength. This morning I was able to write that I'm grateful that the repeat MRI showed no lymph node involvement! I know there's a chance this could change once they're removed during surgery but today, I'm praising Him for that good news!! Thank you to all of my prayer warriors. And if you don't keep a gratitude journal, I recommend it!

So one day after an appointment, I took a picture of this sign and decided to rename the building... what do you think?!

Oh and one more thing to share... Look what my sweet cousin did! She sent me this card and book along with the t-shirts and wrist bands she's selling on our behalf. How sweet is that?!

Thank you for your continued prayers. We're praying for discernment and guidance as we navigate through treatment and surgery options. Praying that God leads us on the path for complete and total healing for a long and healthy life. 


Signature - Tree

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