
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blog Award from my friend Jenny!

Thank you Jenny, for passing on this Blog Award to me!  :o)


The rules of this award are to tell you 10 things that make me happy and then I am to pass it on to 5 more people.

1.  My boys
2.  My hubby (who can always make me laugh)
3.  My Mom (who is my sounding board and biggest fan)
4.  My girls (my labs, Marley & Pepper)
5.  Disney World (The happiest place on Earth)
6.  My camera
7.  A good book
8.  My scrapbook room
9.  My friends
10. Diet Dr. Pepper

Now I am to pick 5 friends.  (This was difficult b/c I'm a big blog-hopper and have lots of new scrappy friends!)  Check out their wonderful blogs!

3.  Tammy
5.  Ana 


  1. Hi Cori! What a wonderful surprise to wake up to!! Thank you so much! That was fun.:) Have a great weekend with lots of scrapping time! :)

  2. hi Cori it was nice to see my name on your 5 you are the best Ana

  3. OMG Cori! Thanks so much for the blog award! Like you, it is going to be hard to chose 5, there are so many great blogs out there.
