
Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Sunday Crafternoon

My dear friend Heidi, invited me over to her house today for a "Crafternoon."  (Is that cute or what?!  She is sooooo Martha Stewart-y.)  She had this whole little Valentine theme going on and we did some crafting.  I made this little "love" sign.  




As a mom of two boys, I don't get to use a whole lot of pink - so it was fun to make something kind of girly!  :)

Here's another little something I made this weekend:

We started an entire new allowance system, household chores, etc. with the kids.  Today is the first day we did some extra chores from the "Job Jar."  I don't know why I felt the need to scrap this empty bread crumb container...  It's not like it's really going to make doing housework any more enjoyable, or make the boys moan any less about it.... but it's kind of cute, right?!  And lucky for me, it matches my scrapbook room perfectly!  :)
Happy scrapping and have a wonderful week!


1 comment:

  1. Love your Valentine sign! Sounds like a fun afternoon. I love the job jar! Now that is very Martha Stewart! :)
