
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Disney Layout!

So.... I loved this week's sketch so much at Let's Scrap, that I decided to do another one!  This is actually the layout I "envisioned" in my head when I first saw the sketch, but just couldn't get my "scrap on" so I put it aside.  This weekend I had a chance to finish it.  I had fun making the ribbon banner and it was so easy to do.  (And who doesn't have extra ribbon they can use?!)  Here is my layout (click for larger image):

Supplies used:
Patterned Paper & Black Fiber:  EK Success
Rub-ons & Embellishmets:  Creative Imaginations
Ribbon:  Michael's

I also just have to share that I received an email that one of my layouts is going to be published in the online magazine Scrapbook News & Review!  I am sooooo excited as this is my first publication!!  It debuts May 23rd!  Woo hoo!!

Hope you all have a scraptacular week!  


  1. Congratulations Cori on the news your layout is going to be published. Thats amazing.
    Love your layout, the title is really cute as is the ribbon banner and the black background makes everything pop.

  2. Hi Cori, Love that banner made with the ribbons!! Congrats on your publication!! Very exciting for you!! :)

  3. Hi Cori! We are Disney Vacation Club members so you KNOW I love any page about Disney. But yours is fantastic....I am going to have to lift that one!

  4. Love the disney layout!!! I have that same picture of the dude with one eye and the suitcase of my kids!!! LMAO!
