
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Let's Scrap Sketch - Love the Banner!

Hi!  Just a quick post to let you know a new sketch is up over at Let's Scrap!  It's a very fun double-page layout with a cool banner across the top!  These are so popular right now and I was excited to see this sketch!  I've completed one layout with some beach photos and am already working on another with some Disney photos.  So many possibilities with this sketch.  Here it is:

And here is my take on this sketch:

Here's a closeup of my banner:

I'll include my supply list later - I am just too pooped to figure it all out!  I was happy to use up some old stash though - always a great feeling!  :)

And I just have to include two more pictures.  Every year we have doves build a nest on our front porch.  Well, I was fortunate enough to catch these photos.  

Here are mom and dad perched on our fence:

And here are the baby doves in their nest:

Isn't that the sweetest?!

Ok, off to read and then get to sleep.  Maybe I'll get some scrapping done tomorrow!
:)  Thanks for stopping by!  


  1. Beautiful layout Cori. I love your banner and the sewing really adds to the page. Great job.

  2. Those babies are adorable!! so sweet! Love your take on the sketch. I'll be working on mine this weekend. Thanks again for the prize package! It came today...all safe and sound and awesome! Thank you!

  3. Those birds are SOOoooo cute, can't wait to see the layout you come up with for that photo!!!

  4. Love your layout and what great pictures you have taken.
