
Monday, September 19, 2016


So apparently we've started a revolution and a hashtag! It all started with that first photo I took to send to my mom the morning we were waiting for my biopsy results. I ended up posting it on Facebook when I shared our news. Then two of my besties on my Plexus team made a video on our team page saying "fists up for Cori" and the rest is history. I wanted to scrapbook some of the photos and posts. The support means more then I can ever put into words. And my hope is if I'm having a rough day, I can look back on these to lift up my spirits. I hope to do this with the sweet texts, cards and gifts I've received as well.

You all encourage me and make me smile in this new season of live. Thank you!! Here's to another week of tests and doctor appointments!


Signature - Tree

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