
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Glowing from my PET Scan

Here we are, off to my PET scan. Fists Up. Lipstick on at 6 am - I am so my grandma's granddaughter...

And this was the first text I see after I finished my scan. A sweet friend that works at the boys' school sent it to me. Tears. So glad she sent this to me. 

This just warms my heart. :)

This Bible verse. It's never resonated with me more than it has this last week. The number of friends, family and people that I've never even met that have come together in prayer for me and my family is amazing. It is blessing me more than I can put into words. Eddie and I got tot he imaging center about 7 am this morning. After I was injected with the radioactive sugar stuff, I had to sit quietly in a room my myself (under a nice heated blanket) for 45 minutes. And then the scans and machine took about 20-25 minutes. That was a great opportunity for a lot of prayer time. Do you know what I saw when I closed my eyes? I saw Jesus standing in the first room with me. And then during the scan, I saw Jesus with his hands on the PET scan machine. Vividly. After the test, I had so many messages that people were praying for me. I just cannot describe it all. It's been a roller coaster of emotions for sure but the love and support has been constant. And I will be forever grateful.

So, we did get the PET scan results this afternoon. The surgeon said that the original spot on my colon lit up which indicates cancer cells. But the liver, bone and lungs DID NOT! He said he thought for sure the liver would light up after seeing the CT scan results and really cannot explain why it did not. (Um, I have an idea). He said this was definitely good news but we're not out of the woods yet. There's still a chance the cancer has reached the lymph nodes and spread to these organs. We are moving forward with the rectal ultrasound tomorrow (Happy Birthday to me) and now he wants to do an MRI of the abdomen and pelvis to take a closer look at the liver and spine. But, based on the PET scan, it is possible those are benign lesions. We are rejoicing that this little bit of good news today is God's healing hand at work. The ultrasound is at 1:30. We appreciate and are humbled by your continued prayers.

#fistsup #ibelieveinmiracles #bringit# powerofprayer #blessed #lovemyprayerwarriors

Signature - Tree

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