
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I'm sharing the Facebook post I made after I received the call regarding the CT results. It took the wind out of my sails for a few minutes but then I circled this verse over and over.

Here was my post:
Sorry to keep everyone hanging yesterday but I "needed a minute" to process the news we received yesterday. The CT scans revealed 2 lesions on my liver and one on my spine. This was not the news we were hoping for as my blood work (tumor markers) came back normal so we were optimistic. But, this just means I have to fight and pray a little harder. Next stop is a PET scan tomorrow morning at 7:30 and a liver biopsy (to be scheduled). These things should help determine our battle plan. I told the boys yesterday after school about the CT results and that is the hardest part of this all - but we are locking arms, fighting hard, praying harder and still finding joy and laughter in each day. Eddie came back into town last night thank goodness. We had our big ugly cry together last night but have God's armour back on today and ready to fight. Eddie is using his nervous energy to clean the house and I realized that he polished all of the furniture with Lysol. I mean... he tried. ha ha.

My morning was filled with a women's Bible study at church. I looked at the studies offered a month ago and nothing really spoke to me. Then, a couple of weeks ago I looked again and felt led to sign up for a specific one. I really wasn't sure if I had it in me to go this morning but I put on my big girl pants and went. When I got there today it was a big group and I was thrilled to see my friend Becky there. We had to stand up and introduce ourselves and share what we we loved about last summer or what we're looking forward to this fall. Well, I shared and I cried. And then Becky cried. And probably half of the room cried. There are two women in there battling breast cancer (who shared their contact info with me) and that was comforting. They along with the leader surrounded me and prayed. What are the odds? Oh how I love seeing God's hand play out in this new journey I'm on - the people He's put in my life and those coming together in prayer. I'm just in awe of the kindness, love and joy that has come out of our little speed bump. Our family continues to be humbled by prayer, love and support of our friends and family. xoxo

Hashtag alert: #fistsup #bringit #iaintscaredofnochemo #blessed #Godissogood #humbled #didyouscheduleyourcolonoscopyyet #wearenorthmetro

Signature - Tree

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