
Sunday, October 30, 2016

Where's the Waterproof Mascara?

So my hubby and I were supposed to fly to Dallas today for a trip I earned through Plexus. I was so excited because this is the first trip I've earned with this company. We had to cancel our plans but I'm super excited for my friends and team that are there. And wait until you see what they've done. I wish I were there with them but I have a beast to slay back home!

Ok, how cute is that? They made a #fistsup Bitmoji just for me?! lol.

I need to start wearing waterproof mascara... So when I earned the Plexus trip to Dallas, I also qualified for the private reception at the Glass Cactus. I have a sweet friend Ashely that I know through Plexus. We met at Convention last July and instantly connected. We've cheered each other on in life and our businesses. She knew earning the Glass Cactus Reception was a goal of mine and she was my biggest cheerleader along the way. I wasn't able to attend because of this little detour I'm on, but look what she sent me! This is even better as I'll have them forever! So thoughtful! Thank you sweet friend - this brought tears to my eyes and a big smile to my face!!

Look at my awesome Plexus friends! They sent a #fistsup from Texas:

Aren't they gorgeous? I am so blessed by the friendships I've made through Plexus!

Ok and then there's this... When your friends dress as "Cori's Army" for a Halloween party... gulp. I have the BEST friends, prayer warriors and support. I just love them! More tears when they texted me this photo!! 

All I know is this:

And when you find those people, love them hard.


Signature - Tree

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