
Friday, November 4, 2016

Puzzles and Penguin Slippers

2.5 weeks of chemoradiation DONE! Three more weeks to go! So far it's not too bad. I've had fatigue and some other side effects I won't mention. I do not like feeling tired. But I'm really trying to listen to my body and rest more. I have a big Friday night planned:

Puzzles and penguin slippers. I think this will make it all better. My hubby is a lucky guy. haha! The place where I go for radiation has puzzles in the waiting area. I was so incredibly scared that first day as I sat there waiting to get called back for my first treatment. I found the puzzle to be therapeutic - so relaxing. We used to do puzzles a lot when we were first married. I forgot how much I enjoyed them. So, I stopped on the way home and picked up a couple of puzzles. And when I passed by those penguin slippers, I couldn't resist!!

Here's one of my sweet boys sporting his #fistsupforcori t-shirt! I just love him.

Have a great weekend! I hope it's filled with warms slippers and lots of happy!

Signature - Tree

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