
Sunday, November 6, 2016

Best Golf Tourney Ever!

Wow! Eddie and I were blown away yesterday! Our dear friends hosted a golf tournament fundraiser in our honor. To walk outside and see all of those golf carts lined up was unreal. 94 golfers y'all! Tears. Thank you Fred & Monica! Thank you to all of our hole sponsors, the businesses that donated raffle items and to the golfers. Thankful for the gorgeous Saturday afternoon. And thankful for my friends that came out just to hang out with me!

I'm not going to lie, the first time I was told the cost of just one my tests needed, I had a little breakdown. What if I fight and fight and leave behind a huge mound of medical bills for my family? My hubby looked at me and told me not to worry a second about that. To only focus on beating this. And that God will provide. And boy was he right. God has prepared us for this journey and filled our lives with wonderful people. I cannot put into words how blessed, humbled and grateful we are. What an emotional day filled with love!

Here are some more photos from this special day.

Oh and I should mention that my hubby's team came in 2nd place. He was smiling pretty big about that!!


Signature - Tree

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