
Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Happy Place

I have been busy organizing and re-organizing my studio.  I thought I would finally take the time to post some pictures of my favorite room in our home!  I love, love, love this room.  It is my happy place where I spend so much time!  There are still lots of things I'd like to add to my scrap room, but this is what it looks like right now!

 This is one view of my room.


Another view - with my favorite scrapping buddy, Pepper.


This is my computer area, die cut area, and paper storage.  I'm still trying to decide what to put on that blank wall..... shelves, more pictures??

Here is a peek inside some of the drawers below the die cut area.  You can click on the photos to see a larger picture.


 This is my stamping and designing area.  
Here's a peek into a few of the drawers under this area:



And here's the cabinet above this area.  
I was so excited to get my clear stamps organized in a binder!

And here is my favorite wall.  I found this bathroom shelf and towel rack at Pier 1.  I immediately knew I wanted it for my ribbon!  I just love it!
And here is the saying I have above the window.  So sweet!

This is my hubby's side of the room.  I'm anxiously plotting my takeover....  We are slowly finishing our basement.  When it's finished, he will have an office downstairs.  I plan on making this my desk/computer area - which means more scrapping room for me!  :)

So that's a peek inside of my scrap room.  I am a very lucky woman!  This used to be our guest room, but I think my hubby was tired of my scrap stuff taking over our bedroom. One day, I came home to all of these wonderful cabinets installed!!!  He totally designed this room for me!!  It was the best gift EVER!  The counters are all standing height - which I love!  The drawers are really big - I can fit those big Cropper Hopper photo organizers in there.  It's fantastic!  And for those wondering.... my room is not always this clean!!

Thanks for looking and happy scrapping!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was a busy day!  It seems like by the time we get home from school, do our homework, cook dinner, clean the kitchen, throw in a load of laundry and squeeze in a little exercise, it's time for showers, bedtime stories and bed!!  So, I didn't have any time to be crafty today, but wanted to share one of my favorite layouts from last year.  I did this layout from one of Julie Bonner's sketches at 52 sketches, 52 weeks.  I just adore this picture of my boys!  :)

Patterned Paper - K & Company's Wild Saffron
Ric Rac
Stamps, Ink, Flowers, Brads - CTMH
Scroll - Cricut

I also wanted to share my Gratitude entry for the week. I actually typed this yesterday and forgot to post it!  I just love making photos transparent and adding journaling over it!  I found the coolest fonts to download on your computer.  I've used one of them on this photo.  Check out Amanda's blog here for some really cool fonts.  If you get a chance, you've got to check out the photos of her scraproom - it is amazing!!

Well, that's it for today.  Off to get caught up on Idol from last week!
Happy Scrapping!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Believe it or not, I've found another scrapbooking sketch site that I just LOVE!  Sketchabilities has a really fun sketch that I used for a picture of my two boys.  I love finding really great sketches for a photo I've been putting off scrapping!  This sketch was fun to create with all of the different layers and I love how it turned out!  

Supplies used:
Cardstock - DCWV
Rub-ons - My Mind's Eye
Transparency - My Mind's Eye

Patterned Paper - My Mind's Eye "Everyday Tango"
Stamps - CTMH "Notice the Details" and Autumn Leaves "For the Record 3"

Ink - CTMH Olive
Fiber - EK Success

So glad I was able to sneak some scrapping time into today.  Now, back to the laundry..... (sigh).

Sunday, January 17, 2010

More Sketch Challenges

Another 3-day weekend and I'm getting to spend lots of time creating!!  Yay!!  I played chauffer to the boys between their KIDS Club day at Georgia Tech, baseball practice and play dates (do they still call it that at their ages?) but, I was able to spend my evenings scrapbooking.  I had a few friends come over last night and we were up until the wee morning hours laughing, snacking and scrapping!  Here are a few of my creations from last night:

This is a layout I did based on Sketch #86 over at Creative Scrappers.  I just love how it turned out.  This is the first layout I've done for this great sketch site.  This layout is of my son and my nephew, who totally looks up to his big cousin.  So sweet!  

I also worked on some camping pictures and used an older sketch from Let's Scrap.  I love all of the double page layouts over there!  I used a kit from The Paper Studio that I found at one of my favorite stores, Hobby Lobby.  I could get lost for hours in the scrapbooking isle there - even though my kids cringe when I even mention the "H word."  (Hobby Lobby)      :)

Well, I promised the boys we'd get caught up on American Idol tonight.  Then, hoping to get some more scrapping done after they fall asleep!!  Trying to make the most of my 3-day weekend!!!  

Happy Scrapping!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Wow!  I stand corrected - I have enjoyed my FOUR day weekend!  Yep, we were out of school again today due to icy conditions on the secondary roads.  I'll take another day home with the kiddos, but am a little worried about when we'll have to make up these days!  I was able to get some scrapping done today but ran out of daylight to get some good pictures taken.  Since it's so cold outside, I thought I'd post a beach layout instead that I did last year from one of Julie Bonner's sketches.

Supplies Used:
Patterned Paper - Cloud 9
Flowers - Prima and CTMH
Ink & Brads - CTMH
Ric Rac

I also wanted to share this chipboard album I made.  I think it turned out so cute!  I mostly used My Mind's Eye patterned paper and a kit from Breezy Design!  I had so much fun adding all of the little embellishments!! 

I'm ready to start working on Valentine's projects.  I have a few ideas in mind and can't wait to get started.  Looking back at my scrapbooks, I came across this cute layout from Valentine's a few years ago.  :)

This year I want our family to write down something they love about each of us so I can document it on a layout.  Do you have any fun Valentine's Day traditions?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Busy as a Bee

Ahhhhhh, it was so wonderful to have a 3-day weekend due to the southern snow and ice!  I was able to get some cleaning done, weeded out a bunch of old scrapping supplies to give to my niece, watched my kids have fun sledding for the first time ever, and got some more scrapping done!

The first layout I did this weekend was of my sweet little Carter boo - when he was only 2 months old.  I did this layout for a challenge over at Sketchy Thursdays.  I am really having fun with their sketch challenges!  I was hesitant to splatter acrylic paint on my page and don't have any Glimmer Mist yet, so I used some CTMH acrylic stamps to achieve the look I was hoping for.  I am pleased with how it turned out.  Here's my take on this sketch:


Supplies used:
Cardstock - DCWV
Patterned Paper & "love" die cut - 3 Bugs in a Rug
Stamps, Ink & Glitter - CTMH
Journaling Stamp - Autumn Leaves
Flower - Cricut Lyrical Letters
ribbon, button, floss

I also did a 2-page layout based on the latest sketch over at Let's Scrap.  It was a great sketch for me to get some more pages done for our beach trip two summers ago!  I love how so many of Cheri's sketches have multiple photos - since I seem to take so many!  There's also a link where you can go see all of the previous sketches.  Check it out here!  

Supplies used:
Patterned Paper - K & Company's Wild Saffron
Chipboard - K & Company's Wild Saffron
Cricut Cartridges - Lyrical Letters for the title and Stretch Your Imagination for the embellies
Prima Flowers
CTMH brads

Here is a picture of my scrap buddies.  My sweet son (who will play on the computer while I scrap) and one of our pooches, Pepper (who is ALWAYS by my side or at my feet.)  As you can see, Pepper thinks she's a lap dog - even though she weighs over 100 lbs!  :)   

Happy Scrapping!  Off to make some Taco Soup (thank you Mom for the recipe!) and enjoy the rest of my weekend!  :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Comments Make Me Happy! :)

Wow!  It's been so nice to come home and find such sweet comments on my blog!  Thanks to everyone for stopping by and sharing the love!!

So, today we had some snow!!  Now, in Georgia we consider it a blizzard, but to most people it's just a little dusting of snow!  Either way, it's enough to get the kids totally excited!  We came home after school and had just enough on our back deck for the boys to make a "real snowball."  It was pretty exciting!  And what's even better, is that school is closed tomorrow because the roads are too icy for travel.  The boys and I have already called it a pj day!  Woo hoo! 

Here's a layout I did based on a sketch over at PageMaps.  Their website is great and I just love their book!!  This page is of my oldest son playing baseball - about 4 years ago!!!   

It's no secret that I love sketches to get my creativity going.  What are some of your favorite scrapbook inspirations?


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Off to a Scrappy New Year!

Wow!  It's only January 2nd, and I've already completed 3 layouts!  I have to give props to my hubby who has let me spend so much time in my scraproom these last two days.  He even took the boys to a roller skating party this afternoon so I could have some time to myself!!  

Here's what I've been up to....  My first project of 2010 was a double-page layout for a sketch over at Let's Scrap.  This is a site I just found and I have to say, I think I'm hooked!  The sketches are great and everyone is so friendly!  I loved being able to fit so many pictures on these two pages!  I am almost done with our '08 Disney Album - yes, I'm a little behind!  Most everything on this page was done with a page kit from Creative Imaginations.

I also completed a layout based on a sketch over at Sketchy Thursdays.  This is another site I'm very excited to have found.  This layout is of my sweet boy from almost 8 years ago!  I love how it turned out!  I used patterned paper from a Me & My Big Ideas paper pad and cardstock from DCWV stack.  I used some white acrylic paint behind the title that I made with my Lyrical Letters Cricut catridge - one of my new favs.  


Well, now it's time to go clean up the mess I've left from scrapping!  I'm hoping to get my scraproom organized and a few pictures posted of my FAVORITE room!  Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 1, 2010

To blog or not to blog?

That is the question I have been asking myself lately.  Do I have time to blog?  Not really.  Is my life exciting enough for a blog?  Probably not.  Will my friends think I'm crazy?  More than likely.  Are there people who will actually follow my blog?  We'll see....

And so it begins.  A new year and a new venture.  I lead a busy life but I have so much that I want to share!  My boys are growing before my eyes and I'd love a way for my out-of-town friends and family to share in some of our everyday joys.  I love to be crafty and want an outlet to share my little creations.  I love photography and have tons of photos to share.  I love being a mom, a wife, and a friend and hope some of you will join me along this journey!

Now, let the fun begin with a few scrappy things.
I am sad that one of my favorite websites and scrap-inspirations, 52 sketches, 52 weeks will not be continuing this year.  However, I have found a few new sites to keep me going!  I really like to use sketches to help get the creative juices flowing.  One of the sites I recently joined is Sketch Inspiration.  Here is a layout I did based on the most recent sketch:

I'm also hoping to get into card-making this year.  One of the card sketch sites I found was Mojo Monday.  Here is a card I did based on their most recent sketch. 
Thanks for looking at my first blog entry!

Here's to a wonderful, peaceful and happy New Year!