
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Play Ball!

Happy Wednesday!  I thought I'd share the new double-page sketch over at Let's Scrap that Cheri posted today.  This was a fun sketch that allowed me to get a lot of photos in one layout!  (LOVE that!)  Here is this week's sketch:

My layout is of a trip to the Braves game last summer.  We had really good seats on the 1st base line, but half-way through the game we went up to our friend's suite and watched from there.  It was fun!  Here's my layout:

Supplies used:
Paper:  CTMH
Chipboard Stars:  Breezy Designs
Photo Corners:  Scenic Route
Die Cut Title:  Cricut's Plantin Schoolbook
Ribbon:  Hobby Lobby
Floss:  DMC

You have until next Tuesday to get your layout posted in the Let's Scrap Gallery for a chance to win a prize package from Scrapbook Girl  Let me know if you get yours done!!

Hope you're all having a wonderful week!  Happy Scrapping!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Blog Hop Winner!!

So, I'm a little late getting this posted, but I did want to announce the winner of my stop along the Let's Scrap Blog Hop!!   Drum roll please................

Rachel Campbell was the winner of my Blog Hop Challenge.  You can see her winning layout here.  I just love how she quoted her son saying pirate as "pie-dat."  Soooooo cute!

Rachel will be receiving this little bit of scrapiness from me:

I've been working on some Design Team layouts for Let's Scrap, but I can't share them yet!  You'll have to keep watching for Cheri's new sketches each week!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday Card Sketch

Well, it's Wednesday..... so you know what that means!?  A new sketch is up over at Let's Scrap!  Now, a card-maker I'm really not, but I did have fun with this sketch!  The sketch posted by Kim was pretty tricky.... but here's what I came up with:

I bought the new Paisley Cricut Cartridge and couldn't resist using the big chunky heels!  With two boys, I really don't have much hope of using these for them - lol!  I added some little flowers from my Sizzix and printed the sentiment on my computer - and there you have it.  Nothing fancy, but kind of fun!  Now, who should I send this to?!

Make sure and stop by Let's Scrap to see everyone's creations! 

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Disney Layout!

So.... I loved this week's sketch so much at Let's Scrap, that I decided to do another one!  This is actually the layout I "envisioned" in my head when I first saw the sketch, but just couldn't get my "scrap on" so I put it aside.  This weekend I had a chance to finish it.  I had fun making the ribbon banner and it was so easy to do.  (And who doesn't have extra ribbon they can use?!)  Here is my layout (click for larger image):

Supplies used:
Patterned Paper & Black Fiber:  EK Success
Rub-ons & Embellishmets:  Creative Imaginations
Ribbon:  Michael's

I also just have to share that I received an email that one of my layouts is going to be published in the online magazine Scrapbook News & Review!  I am sooooo excited as this is my first publication!!  It debuts May 23rd!  Woo hoo!!

Hope you all have a scraptacular week!  

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Let's Scrap Sketch - Love the Banner!

Hi!  Just a quick post to let you know a new sketch is up over at Let's Scrap!  It's a very fun double-page layout with a cool banner across the top!  These are so popular right now and I was excited to see this sketch!  I've completed one layout with some beach photos and am already working on another with some Disney photos.  So many possibilities with this sketch.  Here it is:

And here is my take on this sketch:

Here's a closeup of my banner:

I'll include my supply list later - I am just too pooped to figure it all out!  I was happy to use up some old stash though - always a great feeling!  :)

And I just have to include two more pictures.  Every year we have doves build a nest on our front porch.  Well, I was fortunate enough to catch these photos.  

Here are mom and dad perched on our fence:

And here are the baby doves in their nest:

Isn't that the sweetest?!

Ok, off to read and then get to sleep.  Maybe I'll get some scrapping done tomorrow!
:)  Thanks for stopping by!  

Monday, May 10, 2010

My 1st Challenge at Let's Scrap!

I was so excited to post my first challenge over at Let's Scrap as a Design Team Member.  I hope you get to play along!!   My challenge (Challenge #49) is all about making your titles POP!  I feel like that is always the last thing I think about on my scrapbook pages and I often rush to get my title done.  I want to jazz mine up a little and thought this would be the perfect place to start!

So, here is your challenge:  Create a layout using one of our LS Sketches and add a little pizazz to your title!  You must choose at least FOUR of the following to use with your title:

1)  Use multiple colors on your title
2)  Replace a letter in the title with something else (such as a button, heart, ribbon, etc.)
3)  Use paint on your title
4)  Emboss your title
5)  Use stitching on your title
6)  Use bling on your title
7)  Use metal on your title
8)  Use punctuation mark(s) or number(s) in your title
9)  Use ribbon on your title
10) Distress your title (sand, ink, etc.)

My layout has a picture of my son and our sweet dog Pickles that we had to put to sleep a few years ago.  They were just hanging out in the backyard and looked soooo cute!  Here it is:

 And here's a close-up of the title.

Here's how I met the challenge and spiced up my title:
1)  I used multiple colors
2)  I used ribbon
3)  I used metal (brad)
4) I embossed the title (it's hard to see in photo - but "cute" is embossed)
5)  I used punctuation in my title.

You have until 11:59 pm "Let's Scrap Time" on May 13th to upload your layout to the Let's Scrap Gallery.  Make sure to tag your layout challenge49 plus the sketch you used.  (Example:  challenge49, 3-31-10)  I have a fun travel-themed scrapbook kit from Colorbok to give away to the lucky winner!

How do you like to jazz up your title?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Little Family Stuff & the Let's Scrap Weekly Sketch

Wow, things have been so busy I've gotten behind on my posting!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful Mother's Day!  My boys (hubby included) told me I could scrapbook all day and they'd take care of the house and cleaning. How great is that?!  I haven't done any scrapping yet but hope to very soon!

Yesterday was a busy day.  My son had his 1st Communion.  I am so proud of my sweet boy and he looked so handsome.  It seems like just yesterday he was getting baptized.  Time really goes by so quickly and they grow up so fast.  I realized this yesterday as my son was up on the alter at church. I was completely overwhelmed by my love for my boys and how very blessed I am to have them.  Here's my sweet little Carter Boo in his suit.  Is he handsome, or what?!

We had our family come back to my house after church to celebrate his 1st Communion and Mother's Day.  Things didn't go as smoothly as I had planned when Carter fell on the front porch steps and cut his knee.  So.... he had his 1st Communion and his 1st stitches all in one day.  Sounds like a scrapbook title doesn't it..... hee hee.  He was a trouper though and we still celebrated - it was just after our trip to urgent care!

I've been busy scrapping between the Let's Scrap Blog Hop going on and the new sketches and challenges.  Be sure to come check it all out and join in on the fun!!

Here's the layout I did for Cheri's sketch from last week.  This is actually the sketch we used to submit for the Let's Scrap Design Team Call.  This is a photo of my boys with my mom.  I just loved being able to use some soft colors on this layout. 

Supplies Used:
Cardstock (cream): Close to My Heart
Patterned Paper: My Mind's Eye (Where the Heart is Stack)
Floss: DMC
Brads: CTMH
Ink: ColorBox Chalk and CTMH
Stamps: CTMH (notice the details)
Chipboard: Breezy Design
Die Cuts: Cricut
Journaling Pen: Pigma
Sitching Template: Bazzill  (LOVE these!)
Jouraling Die Cut: Quickutz
Other: button

You have until midnight on Tuesday to complete this layout.  Hope you can play along and get your layout loaded over at Let's Scrap!
Off to enjoy some scrapping time!  Thanks for stopping by!!

Blog Candy Winner!

Oops - I'm a little behind on posting the winner of my Blog Candy!!  So sorry!  I picked a name from the comments and new followers from NSD and the winner is:  Wendy!!!

Thanks for becoming a fan of my blog.  Here's the prize you'll be receiving!:

Please send me your address to and I'll get it on its way!

Be sure to check out our Design Team Blog Hop at Let's Scrap and join in on the fun.  Lots of fun giveaways going on!!  Check out my Blog Hop Challenge here.

Happy Mother's Day everyone!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Come Join the Let's Scrap Blog Hop!!

You are at Blog Hop #2 on the Let's Scrap Blog Hop!!  **Play along until May 21st!**
National Scrapbooking Day was last weekend, right?  Well not at Let's Scrap.  We are celebrating our scrapbooking ALL MONTH LONG.  We started with some great games and challenges during NSD weekend, and now we are back with the Let's Scrap Design Team Blog Hop.  Below you will find a list of those DT's who are joining us in the blog hop.  Each stop on the hop will offer you a different challenge.  Become a follower of each Design Team Member's blog and as you complete each challenge, upload your finished project to   Return to each blog and make sure to leave a comment letting us know that you have completed the challenge and uploaded it to Let's Scrap.  Make sure you tag your project with the appropriate tag (you will find those instructions on each of our blogs-ie:  bloghop1, bloghop2, etc.).

Each Design Team member will randomly select a winner of a small prize for
participating.  For the ULTIMATE challenge, and for a chance to win a $50
gift certificate to A Cherry On Top, complete the challenges you will find on EACH stop on the blog hop.  Make sure to tag your uploads properly so you are sure to be entered into the random drawing.

You can start anywhere along the way within this great group of blogs and
each one will link from one site to the next where you will find all the
great challenges!  And the best part is you have two complete weeks to
upload your challenge entries.  Even if you don't win the grand prize, if
you choose to complete all the challenges available, just think, you will
have 10 completed projects! 

So, here is my challenge here on Creative Chat:
1)  Use the sketch below to create a layout.
2)  Use some sort of metal embellishment on your layout.
3)  Use quotation marks on your layout.

That's it!!  **Make sure to upload your layout at Let's Scrap and tag it Bloghop2.** 

Here's the sketch (compliments of Cheri at Let's Scrap, of course!):

 And here's my take on this challenge:

I quoted what my son said to me in these pictures for the title and journaling.  I also used a metal charm that says "sweet" and a little safety pin on the tag.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have fun completing this challenge!  Remember to become a follower and return to leave a comment after completing each challenge.  I will randomly select a winner for my own blog to win a sweet little RAK from me (see below)!  You have until May 21st - so get hopping!

The next stop on our Blog Hop is Deb.

1. Susan -
2. Cori - That's me!
3. Deb -
4. Jean -
5. Sally -
6. Rosalie -
7. Scarlett -
8. Carolina -
9. Nana -
10.  Kristie -

Good luck and happy scrapping!! 

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Celebrating National Scrapbooking Day with Some Blog Candy!

National Scrapbooking Day is almost over but we'll be celebrating all month long over at Let's Scrap - so come join us!  We have some month-long challenges going on plus we'll be having the Let's Scrap Design Team Blog Hop on the 7th!!  Lots of scrapping inspiration and goodies to give away!

I have a little blog candy to give away just for stopping by.  Simply become a follower of my blog AND leave me a comment for your chance to win. You have until midnight (EST) on Thursday, May 6th to enter.  I'll announce the winner on Friday, May 7th when our Blog Hop begins!

Here's a look at what's up for grabs:

This fun kit comes with 2 sheets of cardstock, 2 sheets of patterned paper, and 1 die cut sheet. 
You'll have another chance to win this same kit at Let's Scrap here.

Good luck and Happy Scrapping!