Well, it wasn't easy but I hit that "publish" button on that first weight loss post. It took awhile but now it's out there. Actually, I hit publish, got a notification that someone tweeted it, and then panicked and hit "revert to draft". I think I published and removed it a few times before I finally let it be and was at peace with it. I was scared to post it because what if I failed {again} for all to see? Well you know what? I'm not going to because I'm finally making progress! First, let me start from where I last left off…
We are home from our cruise and the kids are back to school. I met a group of friends for lunch and enjoyed hearing about everyone's spring break. A few of us began talking about walking now that spring is here. One of my friends told another friend that they should get together and walk sometime. Um, hello? I'm sitting right here. Then I realized that maybe they assume since I'm a little on the squishy side that I wouldn't want to walk?! :(
This sounds caddy of me I know and I'm not sure why that upset me so much. But, it did which thankfully lit a fire under my behind. I was determined to start walking regularly and if I lost some weight in the process than that would be an extra bonus. Then, the next day my ankle started hurting. I had no idea what I did to it but there was no way I could start exercising. It was swollen and I was hobbling around. A friend of mine asked me if I thought I had gout (ok, really she said "grout" and we had a good laugh over that one). So I started doing some research and while I don't think it was "grout", I did find some interesting information about inflammation and your diet. For several days, I iced and rested my ankle and did more reading. I was so intrigued about inflammation, gut health, weight loss, depression and metabolism. I thought maybe I should try a cleanse/whole food type diet. Maybe this would help reset my metabolism and boost my weight loss efforts. I started looking at food lists and sample menus -- and then thought about our summer plans. We had two out of state baseball tournaments, family members coming to visit for a couple of weeks, basketball camp, baseball practices, driver's ed... The timing to try a restrictive diet was awful and I figured I'd just have to wait until things settled down. Then, I saw my friend's Facebook post about a probiotic and a gentle cleanse/magnesium supplement from this company called Plexus.
So, April 20th, 2015, my Plexus journey began…
to be continued...
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